Monday, March 31, 2014

Homeless single mom jailed for leaving her kids in car to go on job interview

Via Madamenoire reports: 

The story of Shanesha Taylor has pulled the heartstrings of many after the homeless mother was arrested last week.
The single mother left her two children in her car with the windows cracked while she went on a job interview for an insurance company.
Taylor was arrested after a bystander heard her 2-year-old and six-month-old crying in the car. After her 45 minute interview, the mother was charged with two felonies of child abuse.
While many feel that Taylor was wrong to leave her
children in the car, many believe that the homeless mother had no choice and was trying to provide food and security with a possible position following the interview.
According to Madame Noire, a fundraiser has been created for the mother and her children. The fundraiser crated under, has raised over $50,000 for the family.
Taylor is still in jail while her children remain in protective custody.
If you would like to support the campaign, check out the fundraising page on YouCaring and get more details on where the money is going and what other ways you can help Taylor.

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