Sunday, March 9, 2014

Nicki Minaj’s Weave Designer Sues Her

So you know Nicki Minaj’s signature crazy wig look? Well Terrence Davidson, her former “wig guru” wants credit for it and he wants a ton of money for his efforts. Along the lines of 30 million bucks. He’s claiming she stole wig designs and copyrighted them without giving him any money. She also allegedly discouraged him from a reality show, which could have earned him moolah.
We get he’s upset, but $30 million for wigs? Sheesh!
Let’s look at some of the wigs Davidson may have inspired.
See pictures after the cut...

2012 MTV Video Music Awards - Red Carpet

 nicki minaj
 Nicki Minaj
 nicki minaj commercial
 2013 Billboard Music Awards - Arrivals

 nicki minaj








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